Physical Chemistry & Chemical Physics of colloids, surfaces & biointerfaces :   from Environmental Physical Chemistry to Biophysics


      Current research topics

  • Biophysics of the time-response of luminescent whole-cell biosensors & Applications to the evaluation of contaminants toxicity and the detection of metals
  • Biophysical chemistry of cell adhesion to biotic/abiotic surfaces, homotypic/heterotypic cell interactions
  • Thermodynamics & kinetics of metal complexation by ions, nanosized particles and colloids
  • Dynamics of reactive transfer of metals to biological metal-accumulating interfaces, dynamics of contaminants bioaccumulation and speciation, (bioavai)lability of contaminants
  • Chemical physics of contaminants adsorption and accumulation by colloidal vectors, e.g. micro/nanoplastics
  • Biophysics of contaminants-(micro)organisms-colloids interactions at the molecular, cellular and mesoscopic scales, applications of atomic force micro/spectro-scopies and fluorescence micro/spectro-scopies (AFM, CLSM, FLIM) in nanotoxicology and geosciences
  • Electrohydrodynamics and electrokinetics of (bio)colloids and polymer films: fundamentals and applications