Group 'Physical Chemistry and Reactivity of Surfaces & Interfaces' in the LIEC

  • Audrey Beaussart (CNRS Researcher-CR, former member now moved to CBMN, Univ. Bordeaux)
  • Isabelle Bihannic (CNRS Research Engineer-IR, former member now moved to OSUR, Univ. Rennes)
  • Céline Caillet (Research Engineer-IR, Université de Lorraine)
  • Jérôme F.L. Duval (CNRS Senior Researcher-DR, Group Founder and Leader)
  • Vincent Dutreuil (CNRS Research Engineer-IR)
  • Renaud Gley (Technician, Université de Lorraine)
  • Marc Offroy (Lecturer Université de Lorraine)
  • José Paulo Pinheiro (Prof. Université de Lorraine)
  • Angélina Razafitianamaharavo (CNRS Research Engineer-IR)
  • Elise Rotureau (CNRS Researcher-CR)
  • Frédéric Villièras (CNRS Senior Researcher-DR)

PhD students and Postdocs

  • Léon Govohetchan (PhD 2024-), with major supervision by Dr. M. Offroy. 'Développement d’une méthode avancée de fusion de données en physico-chimie pour repousser les limites d’analyse d’instruments conventionnels pour des échantillons complexes.'
  • Lorenzo Maffei (PhD 2023-), co-supervised with Prof. G. Francius. 'Whole-cell luminescent bacterial reporters: proof of concept for time-resolved monitoring of nanoparticle toxicity and waterborne phages.'
  • Nicolas Lesniewska (PhD 2020-2023), co-supervised with Dr. A. Beaussart. 'Evaluation des mécanismes moléculaires conduisant à la toxicité de nanoparticules (quantum dots) sur les algues : une approche par AFM et micro-spectroscopie confocale'.
  • Eva Delatour (PhD 2020-2023), co-supervised with Dr. C. Pagnout. 'Biosenseurs bactériens pour la détection de métaux traces : mesurer et formaliser la spéciation et la toxicité des espèces métalliques via la bioluminescence bactérienne'.
  • Erwin Henry (PhD 2017-2021), co-supervised with Dr. E. Montarges-Pelletier & Dr. I. Bihannic. 'Mécanismes d’altération des agrégats organo-minéraux & Application aux rivières sidérurgiques de Lorraine'.
  • Elise Vouriot (PhD 2016-2019), co-supervised with Dr. A. Beaussart & Dr. I. Bihannic. 'Organisation spatio-temporelle de nanoparticules dans des biofilms bactériens : une approche physicochimique multi-échelles'.
  • Romain Présent (PhD 2014-2018), co-supervised with Dr. E. Rotureau. 'Biodisponibilité et dynamique de partition de métaux traces aux interphases microbiennes: effets de complexation intracellulaire et application aux biosenseurs bactériens'.
  • Mariam Moussa (PhD 2012-2016). 'Loading of dendrimers nanoparticles into layer-by-layer assembled poly(diallyl dimethyl ammonium) chloride-(poly(acrylic acid))n multilayer films: particle electrokinetics, film structure dynamics and elasticity'.
  • Jennifer Martin (PhD 2011-2014), co-supervised with Dr. E. Rotureau. 'On the relationships between physico-chemical properties of (bio)particles and their reactivity toward metallic contaminants'.
  • Jenny Merlin (PhD 2008-2012). 'Electrostatic, mechanical and chemodynamic properties of soft biointerphases: analyses in equilibrium and transient regimes’.
  •  Christelle Dika (PhD 2009-2013), co-supervised with Prof. C. Gantzer. ‘Interfacial properties of viruses, multilayered soft particle concept and correlation with adhesion capacity'. 
  • Marie-Eve Kraft (PhD 2008-2012), co-supervised with Prof. B. lartiges. 'Polymer-mediated aggregation of bacteria. Effect of polymer molecular weight and presence/absence of bacterial surface structure on biological wastewater sludge dehydration'.
  • Atsushi Hyono (PhD 2005-2009), co-supervised with Prof. H. Ohshima. ‘Electrohydrodynamics of enzymatic-treated erythrocytes and intercellular interactions : a physicochemical approach’. 
  • Jean-Pierre Sagou (PhD 2005-2008), co-supervised with Prof. F. Thomas. ‘Impacts of metallic cations on physicochemical properties of functionalized carboxymethyldextran ligands'. 
  • Yasuyuki Kusaka (stay in the lab from nov. 2009 to march 2010), PhD at Tsukuba university (Tokyo, Japan), co-supervised with Prof. Adachi. ‘Modeling of colloids deposition on hemispherical collector under controlled hydrodynamic conditions'.
  • Significant contributions/co-supervision to/of the PhD work by J. Langlet (PhD 2005-2008), E. Dague (PhD 2003-2006), J. Song (PhD defended in 2007), J. Hara (PhD to be defended).
  • Dr. Jing Wang (Postdoc 2023-2024), co-supervised with Prof. J. Pinheiro. 'Modeling metal binding by organic matter with integration of soft surface electrostatics'.
  • Dr. Jihen Zouaoui (Postdoc 2023-2024), co-supervised with Dr. A. Beaussart and Dr. A. Razafitianamaharavo. 'Evaluation à l’echelle nanométrique des interactions toxines‐cellules par Spectroscopie à Force Atomique'.
  • Dr. Varun Vyas (Postdoc 2021-2022), co-supervised with Dr. A. Beaussart. 'Mécanismes de toxicité de particules de ‘boites quantiques’ sur microalgues'.
  • Dr. Christophe Rochette (Postdoc 2011-2012). ‘Shell structure of natural rubber particles: analysis by electrokinetics and cryo-TEM’. Postdoc financed par Michelin, Clermont-Ferrand, France (contact: Dr. Fabien Gaboriaud).
  • Dr. Pavel Polyakov (Postdoc 2010-2013). ‘Modeling the dynamics of metal speciation in dispersions of nanoparticles with discrete distribution of charges', 'Automatic analysis of AFM force curves on soft bioparticles' .
  • Dr. Elise Rotureau, (Postdoc 2005-2006 & 2010). 'Electrohydrodynamics of functionalized polysaccharides', 'Optimization of electrokinetic Microslit set-up'. 
  • Dr. Anantha Puranam Lakshmi Narayana, (Postdoc 2009). ‘Electrostatic interactions between multilayered soft (bio)particles: modeling beyond Debye Huckel and Derjaguin framework’.